What if Trezor Goes Bankrupt or Out of Business?


Though Trezor has its own wallet software, fortunately — if ever Trezor’s company — SatoshiLabs, goes bankrupt and goes out of business, you can still use your Trezor hardware wallet to connect to other software wallets such as Electrum(for Bitcoin), or MetaMask(for Ethereum).

💡 Achieve enterprise-grade wallet security by using a Ledger hardware wallet.

Alternatively, you can simply import your Trezor’s 12-24 word backup phrase to a competing hardware wallet, or you could also import the backup to almost any software wallet as a last resort.

For a full list of other wallets that a Trezor hardware wallet is compatible with, you can refer to Trezor’s list here.

Where should I buy a Trezor wallet?

Though you can purchase Trezor hardware wallets through other 3rd party websites, we heavily recommend purchasing a Trezor hardware wallet through Trezor’s official website instead, for security purposes.


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