Ledger Nano X: Can’t Access Control Center?

Software bug

Update your Ledger Nano X device to the latest version using the official Ledger Live software might clear out software bugs that could potentially be causing your device to not work as intended.

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Draining the battery

If you wanted to access the control center to be able to power off your device, try leaving your device on and try draining the battery. This might be able to fix the problem after recharging the device to full after completely draining it.

For it to drain faster, we recommend interacting with the device for it to not go into idle mode, which drains far less battery.

Making a transaction

This might be a weird solution, but there have been some cases in multiple cryptocurrency communities where people have fixed the control access issue by simply making a cryptocurrency transaction using Ledger Live.

To try out this potential solution, use Ledger Live and try sending out less than $1 of any cryptocurrency to another wallet that you have control of so you don’t lose the money.

Faulty device

If it’s the case that your Ledger Nano X is not working well, we suggest contacting Ledger support and requesting a device replacement. You can contact Ledger supportΒ here.


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