What If my Trezor Breaks or Gets Lost?

First off, congratulations on deciding to get a hardware wallet, as you’re funds are going to be far safer if you use a hardware wallet, regardless if it’s the better Trezor Model T or the cheaper and more affordable Trezor One.

💡 Achieve enterprise-grade wallet security by using a Ledger hardware wallet.

With that said, you may be wondering— “What if my Trezor wallet breaks or gets lost?”

The Answer

If you own a Trezor hardware wallet, chances are, you’re going to get a piece of paper for your 24-word recovery phrase; and, that’s exactly what the 24-word recovery phrase is for— as a backup as for if ever you lost or break your hardware wallet.

If you manage to break or lose your hardware wallet, you can simply purchase a new one, and simply import the 24-word recovery phrase on the new hardware wallet device itself, not on a computer or phone. As you may know, typing in a 24-word recovery phrase on a computer/phone is very risky as hackers can potentially steal your backup, hence stealing your funds.

What if my Trezor device gets lost/stolen?

If you chose a decent PIN that isn’t something like “000000“, chances are that the founder/thief of your lost Trezor device wouldn’t be able to access your funds.

Remember: Every time you enter a wrong pin on the Trezor device, the waiting time between attempts gets longer and longer; giving you enough time to get your funds out from your old wallet, to a new one. Because of this, we greatly suggest that you use at least a 6 digit PIN, to make that guessing your PIN significantly harder.

If your Trezor wallet actually gets lost or gets stolen, we heavily recommend immediately purchase a new Trezor hardware wallet and immediately generate a new wallet.

But what if I break my Trezor wallet and I need to do a transaction?

Like said earlier, typing in your recovery phrase on a computer/phone is risky. So what do you do when your hardware wallet breaks and you need to do a transaction?

Unfortunately, if you really don’t want to risk losing your funds, we heavily suggest just ordering a new one from Trezor’s official website(not from Amazon or any other website).

So if you can afford to buy hardware wallets, we really suggest buying an extra one as a backup, so you immediately have a new device to use once you break/lose your hardware wallet.

Fortunately, if you have funds to spare, Trezor has multipack promos so you can purchase multiple Trezor hardware wallets without paying for the full price.


🔒 Protect your backups from extreme conditions with The Billfodl.

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